Snowmen, Snowangels, Snowstorms… We’re Snowverloaded!
1/1/2022 (Permalink)

Winter is here, which means it’s getting chilly out there. When it gets chilly, water freezes. I’m not forging new ground here, but hang with me. This is gonna get useful!
Snowstorms and ice storms are an unusual mix of fun and danger. We’ve all made snowmen and snowangels outside after a good storm dumped some powder on us, but there are downsides too! Snow storms, and especially ice storms, can bring down trees near your house, destroying power lines, windows, roofs, (etc.)
It’d be prudent as the winter kicks up to be proactive and look around your property for any dead or dying trees or branches hanging out near your house or car or shed and trim those puppies up. It’ll take a few minutes of your time today in exchange for a huge headache later!
Three out of three property owners who trimmed the trees near their homes were grateful afterwards. (I only asked three people.) Now chop-chop!