What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Brady is very professional, he explained everything thoroughly and repairs we done timely. Very professional

Renee has been very professional and helpful

My experience with Renee was wonderful!

Great work from Mike and Patrick

SERVPRO is an excellent company to use, Austin and Mitchell came by about a month ago to check on some equipment we had at our house, they seemed very professional and just knew how to keep a smile on my face, highly recommend this company.

SERVPRO is amazing! Great customer service. Their staff is filled with the sweetest people!

We send a lot of our insurance claims to this SERVPRO branch. They always do a great job at taking care of our clients & putting them back just like they were before they had a loss.

Cathy Coble is the best there is! If you have any type of issue she will be the first one out helping you get your life back together. I ALWAYS recommend SERVPRO of Greensboro North!

Overall, I am completely satisfied with the SERVPRO service at my home.

I was completely satisfied. I would recommend SERVPRO to my friends, family, and colleagues.

Was very satisfied with my SERVPRO experience. The crew was prompt, courteous and attentive to my concerns.

Overall, very happy! Faye in the office has been excellent!! 

Overall, I am completely satisfied with the SERVPRO service at my home. 

Thank Goodness for these people! We don't know what we would have done without them.